
Overall Aims of the English Language Education Curriculum


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Subject target

The Subject Target of English is for learners to develop an ever-improving capability to use English:

  • to think and communicate;
  • to acquire, develop and apply knowledge;
  • to respond and give expression to experience;

and within these contexts, to develop and apply an ever-increasing understanding of how language is organized, used and learned.


Curriculum features

  • The Space Town Literacy Programme is carried out in P.1 to P.3. This programme provides students with the opportunity to develop the ability to transfer their knowledge to new situations. In this programme, students can learn communicative language and experience real-life situations in the classroom.
  • E-learning is promoted in Key Stage 2 (P.4 to P.6) to facilitate self-learning and enhance teaching and learning effectiveness.
  • An English musical is implemented in P.4 English curriculum. Through performing on stage, students can build self-confidence and improve speaking skills.


Foci of Subject Development in 2023-2024

  • BYOD scheme will be implemented in P.4 to P.6. The scheme aims to enhance students’ interaction and participation in lessons. With the help of technology, teachers design diversified extended learning activities and materials to suit students’ learning needs and increase their learning interests. In addition, teachers can understand students’ learning progress easily and provide help to students.
  • Learning materials and curriculum will be modified in order to facilitate the assessment literacy. Teachers will be able to analyse students’ performance better, so that more appropriate teaching strategies can be provided in lessons to closely suit students’ learning needs.


English Activities in 2022-2023


On Hallelujah Day, Students were eager to praise others in English. Teachers and students sang together as well.

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Students practised hard for the musical performance throughout the year. Finally, they could perform on the stage live! It was the first live performance after the pandemic.


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Self-learning webpage

This is a newly developed school based webpage for students to do self-learning at home. Please click on the link or scan the QR code to browse the webpage.
