
 Subject Targets

  • Develop students’ ability of reading, writing, listening and speaking through promoting students’ critical thinking and self-learning ability
  • Nurture students’ language appreciation ability’ spark their creativity, enhance their cultural competencies; nurture students’ characters; strengthen responsibility towards the community
  • Instruct students the correct way of writing, with focuses on accuracy, orderliness and speed
  • Instruct students the correct pronunciation of words and word choice
  • Develop students’ Putonghua listening, speaking, reading skills and their self-learning abilities


Curriculum Features

  • “Read & Write Program” is implemented in P.1-3;
  • Preparation worksheets are designed for each chapter to incorporate the progressive learning strategy of “read, circle, think, ask”;
  • A school-based writing framework is designed to allow students to master the skills of writing in a step-by-step process;
  • School based e-learning materials are continuously developed and made use of during preparation and lessons;
  • “Drama education” is incorporated in Chinese lessons to boost students’ self-confidence and speaking ability;
  • A variety of activities and homework to cater for learner diversity and differentiated teaching are discussed during regular co-planning meetings and used in lessons;
  • “Learning through reading” is encouraged. Suitable reading strategies and resources are introduced during library collaborative lessons;
  • Language Policy
  • To cater to students’ language learning differences and to facilitate their learning effectiveness, Putonghua and Cantonese are used as the language of instruction in P.1 classes
  • Learning Chinese through Putonghua is implemented in P.2-P.4 to raise students’ Putonghua speaking and listening ability
    • Cantonese teaching is adopted in P.5-6 to train students’ high-order thinking ability.
  • Chinese elite class is provided to boost students creativity and speaking skills.


Subject Foci in 2020-2021

  • Design school-based core curriculum which caters for students with different abilities. Levelled homework, in-class activities and extended texts are designed to enrich students’ reading;
  • Implement “Read & Write Program” in P.1-3. This program progressively providing students with different learning strategies for the Chinese subject based on their language development. The program helps them learn Chinese more effectively and help them set a better foundation for the subject.
  • Implement a school-based writing framework to allow students to learn writing strategies progressively and raise their writing skills.
  • Continuously develop e-learning materials and make use of them in preparation and lessons.
  • Optimize lesson and teaching designs at all levels.
  • Organize internal competitions and participate in external contests to elevate students’ language ability.



We are so thrilled so see how far our students can go when they are provided with diversified opportunities! We aspire to organize various learning activities for students to unleash their imagination and creativity.

  • Debating Contest

Through organising the Chinese debate contest, students’ various skills including data sourcing, analysing and organizing can be strengthen. While on the same hand, students are given the opportunities to strengthen their logical thinking, oral skills and debating skills.

P.5 Students are having fun with the debating contest!


  • BYOD lessons

In this academic year, P.4 students will use their own device (iPad) for lessons.

There is no doubt that e-learning can stimulate students’ interest in learning and reinforcing their concentration in lessons.  See how focus they are for lesson now!


  • Drama Education
  • Drama Lessons

With the use of Black Box Theatre in school, students can experience brand new Chinese lessons by creating dialogues with their teammates and performing in the theatre.


  • Chinese Elite Class

Our drama team had not suspended but switched online under the influence of the COVID-19. Under the training of the professional drama instructors, a drama piece named “歲月留情” with reference to the theme of our school anniversary (Appreciation and Pass-on), merged with the understanding of the characters and innovation, was performed on screen.

Who can tell they do not have room for improvement?

             Today, on the stage of CCC Kei Tsun Primary School, two generations, Lau Ho Ching from 20th years ago and Yang Yang in the current time are both delivering their speech for achieving the Best Improved Award.

             The class teacher Mr. Lau Ho Ching received several complaints lately about Yang Yang with her failing performance in class from her subject teachers and classmates. When Mr. Lau was trying to understand the matter, he took a time machine, going back to CCC Kei Tsun Primary School in 20th years ago, memorising what he had been through in the school ……



Please use the link below to enjoy the performance of our students:



Self-learning Websites:

level   Content








Picture Books

Chinese words learning system

Dictionary for Chinese Pronunciation

Dictionary for Chinese Spell Checker


Five Thousands Years of Chinese Culture


Chinese Fables



How to write in a multi-sensory approach


“Better Cantonese” radio program


Sir Charles Keun Ko, pioneer of fiber optics

Li Shi Zhen, Chinese herbalist

School Tour

A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect


Hong Kong Reading City

Chinese Poem Appreciation

Chinese Moral




The Splendid Chinese Culture
